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Course/Community Catalog
Course/Community Catalog
aaps (Ann Arbor Public Schools)
abtech (Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College)
acadiau (Acadia University)
aislagos (American International School Lagos)
albion (Albion College)
alexander (Alexander School District)
arapahoe (Arapahoe Community College)
arcadia (Arcadia High School)
asdk12 (West Anchorage High School)
ateec (Eastern Iowa Community College ATEEC)
athens (Athens Public Schools)
augustana (Augustana College)
author (Hosted Authors)
bccc (Beaufort County Community College)
bellaire (Bellaire Public Schools)
belpre (Belpre Public Schools)
berry (Berry College)
binghamton (Binghamton University)
birmingham (Birmingham Public Schools)
bis (Bandung Independent School)
bishopscollegeschool (Bishop's College School)
bloomu (Bloomsburg University)
brandonu (Brandon University)
bridgewater (Bridgewater College)
brightpoint (Brightpoint Community College)
brockport (The College at Brockport)
brookscole (Brooks Cole Publisher)
bsu (Ball State University)
burnaby (Burnaby School District)
bvsd (Boulder Valley School District)
calpoly (California Polytechnic State University)
carman (Carman-Ainsworth Community Schools)
ccpsnet (Chesterfield County Public Schools)
cgabc (Certified General Accountants Association of BC)
charterhouse (Charterhouse)
clemson (Clemson University)
coastal (Coastal Carolina Community College)
coleman (Coleman School District)
covenantchristianhs (Covenant Christian High School)
cps (Chicago Public Schools)
cranbrook (Cranbook Schools)
crrhs (Cristo Rey Richmond High School)
csu (Central State University)
csusm (Cal State University San Marcos)
d211 (Township High School District 211)
dal (Dalhousie University)
dallasisd (Dallas ISD)
denison (Denison University)
dewitt (Dewitt Public Schools)
divinechild (Divine Child High School)
dolomiten (Wirtschaftsakademie)
douglas (Douglas College)
eastahs (East Anchorage High School)
edison (Edison State College)
elkrapids (Elk Rapids Schools)
elliott (Elliott County Schools)
elps (East Lansing Public Schools)
elte (Eötvös University)
erps (Eaton Rapids Public Schools)
esuhsd (East Side Union High School District)
farmington (Farmington Public Schools)
fgcu (Florida Gulf Coast University)
fh-emden (Fachhochschule Emden)
fh-stralsund (Stralsund University of Applied Sciences)
fhwf (University of Applied Sciences Braunschweig Wolfenbuettel)
fmarion (Francis Marion University)
franklincollege (Franklin College)
fremdhs (William Fremd High School)
fresnostate (California State University Fresno)
fruitport (Fruitport Community Schools)
fsu (Florida State University)
fsuK12 (Florida State University - K12)
fvl (Fowlerville High School)
gju (German Jordanian University)
glenlake (Glen Lake Community Schools)
glps (Grand Ledge Public Schools)
grandblanc (Grand Blanc Community Schools)
gwu (George Washington University)
hartland (Hartland Consolidated Schools)
harvard (Harvard University)
haslett (Haslett Public Schools)
hazen (Hazen High School)
henrico (Henrico County Public Schools)
hgu (Handong Global University)
hkust (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
hs-koblenz (Hochschule Koblenz)
iastate (Iowa State University)
ilii (Innovation Labs)
isiku (Isik University)
itesm-gda (Tecnológico de Monterrey Campus Guadalajara)
ithaca (Ithaca High School)
itu (Istanbul Technical University)
iusb (Indiana University South Bend)
jce (Jerusalem College of Engineering)
jlhs (James Lick High School)
jmu (James Madison University)
johnabbott (John Abbott College)
johnht (Johnston Heights Secondary School)
jps (Jackson Public Schools)
judson (Judson High School)
kamsc (Kalamazoo Area Math and Science Center)
kit (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
koinonia (KoinoniaGroup)
kyoto-u (Kyoto University)
lakefenton (Lake Fenton Community Schools)
lakenheath (Lakenheath High School)
lancc (Lansing Community College)
langara (Langara College)
lasallehs (La Salle High School)
lcc (Lower Canada College)
leslie (Leslie High School)
letu (LeTourneau University)
lfea (Lake Fenton Education Association)
lincoln (University of Lincoln)
logan (Logan Hocking School District)
longwood (Longwood University)
lowell (Lowell Public Schools)
lsd (Lansing School District)
lssu (Lake Superior State University)
ltsd (Loyalsock Township School District)
luhs (Liberty Union High School)
mamkschools (Mamaroneck High School)
mariettahs (Marietta High School)
marysvilleschools (Marysville Public Schools)
mason (Mason Public Schools)
mcgrawhill (McGraw-Hill Publishers)
mchs (Minooka Community High School)
mcmaster (McMaster University)
mcneese (McNeese State University)
middletown (Middletown High School)
mineola (Mineola Public Schools)
mio (Mio Schools)
monroe (Monroe County BOCES)
montana (Montana State University)
montgomery (Montgomery College)
morgan (Morgan County Schools)
motths (Waterford Mott High School)
msoe (Milwaukee School of Engineering)
msu (Michigan State University)
msudemo (Demo Machine)
msuk12 (Michigan State University K12 Outreach)
mta (Mount Allison University)
mun (Memorial University)
mvla (Mountain View-Los Altos)
nagoya (Nagoya University)
nds (Lower Saxony Universities)
ndsu (North Dakota State University)
nelsonvilleyork (Nelsonville-York Public Schools)
newcanaan (New Canaan Public Schools)
newlex (New Lexington High School)
novi (Novi High School)
npfe (NPFE)
nvcc (Naugatuck Valley Community College)
nwcc (Northwest Community College)
oe (Ovid-Elsie Area Schools)
ohiou (Ohio University)
ohiouk12 (Ohio University - K12)
okemos (Okemos Public Schools)
otago (University of Otago)
otterbein (Otterbein University)
palomar (Palomar College)
paly (Palo Alto High School)
pearson (Pearson Publishers)
physicsforarchitects (Physics for Architects)
physnet (Physnet MSU)
pickerington (Pickerington Public Schools)
pitt (University of Pittsburgh)
portage (Portage Public Schools)
portland (Portland Public Schools)
prenhall (Prentice Hall Publisher)
purdue (Purdue University)
purdueswt (Purdue Statewide Technology)
pwhs (Pewamo-Westphalia High School)
qls (Quarry Lane School)
qvhs (Quaker Valley High School)
redford (Redford Union Schools)
relate (Relate group MIT)
rhs (Roosevelt High School Wyandotte)
roosevelt (Roosevelt University)
rutgers (Rutgers)
rvc (Rock Valley College)
ryerson (Ryerson University)
saic (School of the Art Institute of Chicago)
saintursula (Saint Ursula Academy)
sbuniv (Southwest Baptist University)
sc (University of South Carolina)
Selwyn (Selwyn House School)
senecavalley (Seneca Valley High School)
sfu (Simon Fraser University)
showandtell (Problem Examples)
slrsd (Silver Lake Regional School District)
smu (Southern Methodist University)
smuhsd (San Mateo Union High School District)
southfield (Southfield High School)
spokanefalls (Spokane Falls Community College) (Sultan Qaboos University)
stewardschool (Steward School)
stockbridge (Stockbridge Community Schools)
surrey (Surrey School District)
svvsd (St Vrain Valley School District)
swartzcreek (Swartz Creek Community Schools)
tabor (Tabor College)
tamu (Texas A&M)
tccfl (Tallahassee State College)
teaysvalley (Teays Valley High School)
templecity (Temple City High School)
testdrive (Hosted Testdrive (educog))
tmcc (Truckee Meadows Community College)
trimble (Trimble Public Schools)
troy (Troy University)
uakron (The University of Akron)
ucf (University of Central Florida)
uchicago (University of Chicago)
uclan (University of Central Lancashire)
udel (University of Delaware)
ufba (Universidade Federal da Bahia)
ufm (Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universitaet Frankfurt am Main)
uftm (Universidade Federal do Triangulo Mineiro)
uga (University of Georgia)
uiuc (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
ultra (Ultra)
umanitoba (University of Manitoba)
unf (University of North Florida)
ung (University of North Georgia)
uni-goettingen (Georg-August-Universitaet Goettingen)
uoit (University of Ontario Institute of Technology)
uprm (University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus)
utm (University of Tennessee at Martin)
uwindsor (University of Windsor)
uwplatt (University of Wisconsin - Platteville)
uwrf (University of Wisconsin at River Falls)
valpo (Valparaiso University)
vcc (Vancouver Community College)
vcu (Virginia Commonwealth University)
vinton (Vinton County Public Schools)
vsbus (Vancouver School Board United States)
vt (Virginia Tech)
wadsworth (Wadsworth Publishers)
waverly (Waverly Community Schools)
webbervilleschools (Webberville Community Schools)
wellston (Wellston School District)
westm (West Muskingum High School)
westnoble (West Noble High School)
westwolf (Westwolf)
whatcom (Whatcom Community College)
whfreeman (W H Freeman Publisher)
wiley (Wiley Publisher)
winona (Winona State University)
wmston (Williamston Community Schools)
wolcott (Wolcott Public Schools)
wscc (Westshore Community College)
wuhsd (Whittier Union High School District)
yorku (York University)
ZIS (Zurich International School)
Official courses (with institutional codes)